Effective Resource Management

Project initiatives require Resources with which to identify, plan, and execute a project’s scope and tasks. Saybrook Associates understands that while these Resources differ as to type – commodity, intellectual, capital, or labor – they all share the attributes of (1) Scarcity and (2) Costliness.

As such, Resources and Resource utilization requires appropriate planning and optimization strategies in their acquisition, commitment, and deployment. Strategies must result in tactics that provide the Right Resources, in Right Amounts, and at the Right Times.

Our Approach;

  • Identify/Quantify Resource needs-Associate required Commodity, Labor, Capital, and Managerial resources to Tasks.
  • Identify deployment/utilization needs- Assign Resources to Tasks or Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) elements. Integrate into Project Execution Plan (Schedule).
  • Identify Resource availability-Utilize market analysis to identify availability and competing demands from external sources. Identify competing demands from internal sources.
  • Identify ‘pinch points’ and ‘overloads-Generate Utilization Curves from Project Plan. Compare with Resource availability or limitations.
  • Optimize utilization-Eliminate ‘overloads’ through Leveling, absorption of Float, and re-sequencing of Tasks. Assess and deploy tactics that include inter-project sharing, use of alternative resources, changes in execution methods, or solicitation and attraction of additional resources.

Benefits to You and Your Organization

  • Early acquisition of /commitmenEarly identification and use planning enables early ‘locking in’ of needs.
  • Minimize ‘in and out’ mobilization costs. Planned utilization permits efficient and orderly application.
  • No surprises. Planning and development of mitigation scenarios – in advance of resource shortfalls.

We Understand Your Challenges

We help you Select, Plan, Initiate, Execute, and Deliver your complex Programs and Projects – with successful outcomes and user satisfaction!