The purpose for and primary Deliverables of the Project Management/Project Controls functions are to initiate and enable Coordination, Control, and Communication within and between all Project or Program participants and stakeholders.
The processes, protocols, procedures (Techniques) along with the systems and technologies, (Tools) with which to do so are applicable to and can be utilized to advantage for any Program/Project initiative across any and all Industry Sectors.
Saybrook Associates has both developed and deployed ‘Recognized Best Practices’ on behalf of projects representing many economic sectors and industries. The information found below will provide you with insights as to the sectors in which we have performed and for whom we have provided such.

Wind Energy Renewable Development
We have participated in and contributed to the success of many Wind Farm initiatives – from ‘early stage’ low-output, land-based initiatives to today’s much larger, more efficient, offshore installations. Development of Strategic Execution Plans organizing, prioritizing, and optimizing workflows, Mapping and Managing the complexities in the Permitting processes, coordinating and tracking international Supply Chain logistics, Cost Management of Design and Installation efforts, and Financial Tracking and Management of Leaseholds and Payments established Conditions for Success that enabled projects to Finish Sooner, at Lower Costs, and with Greater Stakeholder Satisfaction.